A delightful trailer has been released from the animated adventure film Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia. The film is co-directed by Jean-Christophe Roger (The New Adventures of Lassie) and Julien Chheng in his feature directorial debut, after having directed « The Spy Dancer » short for Star Wars: Visions. The script is written by Guillaume Mautalent and Sébastien Oursel, in collaboration with Jean Regnaud; from an idea by Agnès Bidaud and Didier Brunner, based on the original work by Gabrielle Vincent.
The English dub voice cast features Andrew Kishino, Ashely Boettcher, David Lodge, Anne Yatco, Josephine Marano, Bill Lobley, and Daniel Hagan.
The film is a follow up to the Oscar-nominated Ernest & Celestine (2012), and the synopsis for the sequel reads:
Ernest and Celestine return in this delightful, joyous follow-up to their first Academy Award-nominated adventure, about a bear and a mouse as the unlikeliest of friends. Ernest remains an ursine troubadour dedicated to a life of music and art, and his constant grouchiness is softened by the creative whims of his mouse friend Celestine. When she accidentally breaks his beloved violin, they must take a long voyage to Ernest’s country of Gibbertia, home to the only artist who can repair it. But when they arrive, they are shocked to discover that all forms of music have been banned in Gibbertia for many years, and a land once known across the world for its incredible musicians has fallen silent. It is up to Ernest and Celestine and their friends, including a mysterious masked outlaw, to bring music & happiness back to the land of bears.
This is really beautifully animated, and it looks like a fun story that kids will love. Check out the trailer below, and watch Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia in select US theaters beginning on September 1st.